A well maintained lawn provides so many benefits such as play and relaxation areas for families, and adding beauty to our homes. Lawns provide many environmental benefits such as the ability to stabilize soil against water and wind erosion.

Mowing, edging, trimming
All turf areas shall be mowed weekly or bi-weekly during the active growing season, and as needed the remainder of the year. The goal is that no more then 1/3 of the leaf blades are removed per mowing. We recommend mulch mowing. It builds healthier lawns, saves time and money. Mulch mowing (“grasscycling” – leaving the clippings) increases turf density, rooting depth, spring green-up, and summer drought and disease resistance. It saves time bagging and hauling clippings, and saves money by cutting fertilizer needs by 25-50%.

Insect, fungal and weed control
Eye Art Garden’s Maintenance Program focuses on maintaining a healthy turf that stimulates its natural defense systems. If, however, pests become a problem, we will use Nematodes pest control to combat the most common garden pests such as slugs, aphids, whitefly, vine weevil, lawn-wrecking leatherjackets and chafer grubs. To recover from most of the common fungal diseases like brown patch, fusarium, fairy ring, dollar spot and red thread Eye Art Garden uses Garlic or Effective Microorganisms treatment.
Hand weeding is most useful on annual weeds and some perennial weeds. Treatments will be applied as necessary. Eye Art Garden uses Natural, biodegradable weedkillers and weed stop discs/mulch.

Aeration involves perforating the soil with small holes to allow air, water and nutrients to penetrate the grass roots. This helps the roots grow deeply and produce a stronger, more vigorous lawn. Clay-heavy soils need to be aerated frequently, about once a year, since the soil tends to be dense and compact. Sandy soils can be aerated every two years......

All turf area should be fertilized minimum 6 times per year. In some cases more or less applications may be required depending upon the annual weather, type of fertiliser and turf species.We use organic fertilizer - EM Lawn care.
A thick lush green lawn with just one application in the spring and one application in the autumn.
* Contains silicate volcanic ground rockdust sourced from volcanic sources.....

Over Seeding
It may be required to over-seed 'tired', worn or drought damaged lawns. Autumn or Spring is favourite time for overseeding.

Scarifying is a very beneficial lawn treatment and should be consider as a regular maintenance procedure every year. Scarifying removes thatch and moss from the lawn allowing the grass space to grow, light and rain can penetrate the roots of the grass. This process should be carried out at a time when the grass is growing actively to allow it to recover from this rigorous process, usually autumn through to spring time.

Top dressing
Top dressing is the application of loam, sand and well-rotted organic matter to a lawn in order to correct surface irregularities and improve the texture of difficult soils. This encourages greater rooting and thickening of turf.